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Category Archives: Reports
Horsham Club Championship 2016-17: Mansson – Heath
My club championship game against Chris Heath was an eventful encounter. I made a mistake in the opening, which fortunatelty my opponent didn’t exploit fully. The game then headed into complications, where neither side played entirely accurately, before my opponent … Continue reading
Mid-Sussex League Division 1 2016-17: Horsham 1 – Eastbourne 1
Horsham 1 scored a decisive win 4.5-0.5 over Eastbourne 1 towards the end of November. I was Black against Adrian Pickersgill. Although I was in trouble out of the opening after a poor 15th move, my opponent soon allowed play … Continue reading
Posted in Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Two Knights' Defence
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Horsham Club Knockout 2016-17: Mansson – Roberts
While my win in the first round of the knockout was a fairly straightforward encounter, my second round match was a far tougher affair. I was White against Dix Roberts, with whom I have played many club games over the … Continue reading
Posted in Club Knockout, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Sicilian Defence
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Mid-Sussex League Division 1 2016-17: Horsham 1 – Horsham 2
As both the Horsham first and second teams are in the same division of the Mid-Sussex League, their first league fixture of the season is against each other. In previous years, there have been some close encounters, but this year … Continue reading
Posted in Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Petroff Defence
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County Match (Open) 2016-17: Sussex – Surrey
Sussex ended up scoring a comfortable win against Surrey in their most recent match. My contribution was an easy draw as Black against a strong opponent. He played the double-edged Goering Gambit as White, but was unable to show anything … Continue reading
Posted in County Matches, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Scotch Game
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Horsham Club Knockout 2016-17: Mansson – Rustom
My game in the first round of the club knockout was a fairly straightforward win. I emerged from the opening with an edge, although it seems that Black missed a chance to equalise. I then adopted an aggressive approach to … Continue reading
Posted in Club Knockout, Games, Opening Analysis, Reports, The Scandinavian
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Horsham Club Quickplay Knockout 2016-17: Mansson – Taylor
The second round of the quickplay saw me up against Paul Taylor. Paul is a tricky but erratic player, and while I have generally done well against him, I have suffered a few defeats too. In the first game, Paul … Continue reading
Horsham Club Quickplay Knockout 2016-17: Mansson – Waddingham
The first couple of rounds of the Horsham Chess Club Quickplay Knockout were played on the 20th September. It has become customary to play the first two rounds like this en masses to ensure that the competition gets moving. I … Continue reading
Horsham Club Championship 2016-17: Pavlovic – Mansson
I made an early start to my club championship games this season, but because the game was adjourned and not completed until last Tuesday. I was up against Tim Pavlovic as Black. This time he did not play the King’s … Continue reading
Horsham Club Championship 2015-16: Stimpson – Mansson
I played my final game in this season’s club championship just over a week ago. I was up against Phil Stimpson with Black. It was a complicated encounter in which I twice allowed my opponent a strong possibility, and twice … Continue reading