Horsham Club Championship 2024-25: Kington – Mansson

Last night, I played Paul Kington in the second round of the Club Championship. I managed to gain some pressure in the endgame, but misses a couple of chances and only drew.

I had the Black pieces. The opening went through several transpositions, eventually ending up in a reversed Tarrasch position. My opponent made a curious recapture which exposed his queen to attack; this allowed me to gain some pressure. After some exchanges, play went into an endgame following a queen exchange; however, I did not exchange queens under the best circumstances, which would have given me a clear rather than a small advantage. I pressed my opponent for a while; up to a point he defended well, but then allowed play to go into a lost king and pawn endgame. Fortunately for him, I was sufficient short of time that I was unable to find the winning path. Instead, we reached a position where there was a potential pawn race, but this would end in a draw; at this point, my opponent offered a draw, and after using up much of my remaining time, I accepted.

I give the game below with some notes.

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