Horsham Club Knockout 2023-24: Mansson – Forster (Rapidplay)

After two draws at the usual longplay time control (65 minutes + 30 second increment), my semi-final against Mike Forster switched to the first rapidplay time control (30 minutes + 10 second increment). I managed to win the next game in the endgame and so progressed to the final.

I had the White pieces and the opening developed into what has been dubbed the “reluctant Benoni” or “delayed Benoni”. This is a line where White is able to meet Black’s …exd5 with exd5, resulting in a symmetrical pawn structure that is in his favour, providing he can avoid the exchange of more than one minor piece.

I had a chance to play for an attack in the middlegame with g4, but decided on the safer approach of going into the endgame. Black defended this sensibly for a while, but first missed a chance to force simplifications in his favour, then made a mistake that led to a lost position. I converted my advantage without drama.

I give the game below with some notes.

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